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Medium voltage power cables

  • CU/XLPE/CWS/PVC High Voltage Power Cable
CU/XLPE/CWS/PVC High Voltage Power Cable

CU/XLPE/CWS/PVC High Voltage Power Cable

  • Compact stranded copper conductor, Cl.2 as per IEC 60228
  • XLPE(cross-linked polyethylene) rated at 90 OC
  • Copper wire screen with helix copper tape (CWS)
  • PVC or FR-PVC type ST2 to IEC 60502, black
  • Product description:


Conductor       : Compact stranded copper conductor, Cl.2 as per IEC 60228

Conductor Screen: Semi-conductor

Insulation       : XLPE(cross-linked polyethylene) rated at 90 OC

Insulation Screen: Semi-conductor

Screen         : Copper tape

Sheath         : PVC or FR-PVC type ST2 to IEC 60502, black.


For laying indoors and outdoors. Able to bear certain traction during installation, but not external mechanical forces. Laying single core cable in magnetic ducts is not allowed.


International: IEC 60502, IEC 60228, (IEC 60332-3 for ZR-YJV only)

China: GB/T 12706, (GB/T 18380-3 for ZR-YJV only)

Other standards such as BS,DIN and ICEA upon request.

Technical data

Rated voltage:18/30kV

Maximum Conductor Temperature: under normal (90 OC), emergency (130OC) or short circuit no more than 5 s (250) conditions.

Min. Ambient Temp.  0 OC, after installation and only when cable is in a fixed position

Min. Bending Radius: 20 x cable O.D for single core

15 x cable O.D for multi core

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